Springtide Whale Watching & Eco Tours

Whale Watching Deals, Promotions, Promo Codes & Our ‘Best Price’ Guarantee
Victoria’s Best Price Guarantee. We strive to have the best prices for your tour. If you find a better price for a comparable tour we will beat it. Simply contact us with details. Contact us here.
Our Sightings Guarantee. In 2022 we had a 95%+ sightings success rate! If we don’t see whales, join us again (for free!) on stand-by until you do. We were asked once… ‘is there a money back guarantee?’ .. no there is not… wildlife is just that, wild!
29+ Years Experience. We have been providing Victoria’s best whale watching tours for almost 30 years! Join us aboard our luxury ocean cruiser. We have a comfortable heated cabin and lots of outdoor space. Plus 360 degree views! This is the best sightings platform in BC.