SpringTide Whale Watching is dedicated to providing a safe and welcoming space for all of our guests. As the COVID-19 situation evolves, our team is committed to understanding the current safety recommendations to ensure we respond appropriately with proactive measures to ensure a safe and comfortable experience for our guests and our team.

As we move into the fall of 2021, we are offering tours on our large boat where there is lots of room and options for comfort.

As of August 25 2021, the BC Provincial Health Office has mandated that all guests age 12 and over wear a mask in public places. In compliance with this update, we ask all guests to wear a mask during check in at our office. Also, we request that all guests age 12 and over wear a comfortable mask or face covering when in the cabin of the boat. Guests are not required to wear their mask while on the other decks of the boat, but we continue to encourage maintaining a 2 meter ‘social distancing’ practice.

• We monitor daily updates from the Government and Health Authorities within Canada and remain flexible and committed to meet current directives.
• We have implemented enhanced cleaning and sanitization procedures on all of our vessels, protective clothing and our offices.
• We have prepared operational guidelines to ensure that our staff are equipped with up-to-date information.
• Signage will be posted throughout our vessels and office facilities to assist our guests with social distancing reminders.

Tour reservations are available by phone or via our website as usual and our cancellation policy is that there are no charges if we are provided 24 hours notice. Should a guest be concerned that they may have signs of a COVID infection within the 24 hour period before their tour, they are asked to contact our office immediately to cancel their tour.

Current information for visitors to BC may be found at:
Public Health Agency of Canada: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection.html
BC Centre for Disease Control: http://www.bccdc.ca/about/news-stories/stories/2020/information-on-novel-coronavirus
Island Health: https://www.islandhealth.ca/learn-about-health/diseases-conditions/novel-coronavirus-information

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